about me

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Hi Everyone! My name is Marta and I come from Poland. I'm 23.I study phisiotheraphy in Poznan. One day I would like to work in a hospital with people after stroke and with spinal cord injury.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Kolding Sygehus.

Last week of our practice we spend in Kolding. We were in physiotherapy and ergotherapy department in hospital.
We saw many patients with new knee and after hips replacement. We also joined to cardiology group ( people with bypass, hart attack etc.) I had a chance to work with patients after stroke (Stroke is my subject for ma final exam in Poland) and to see methods, which they use with this kind of patients. I was shocked when I was talking with one of apoplexy physiotherapist that they don't use special course to treat them, of course you can have some of them, but it's not necessary.
In Poland I spend almost whole my practice time in hospital, so for me this week was very interesting. I saw many different ways, how to treat patients. We have a chance to see how they're working here, how many patient they have a day, how much time they can spent with them.
They also invite us on Tuesday to see the knee operation on a big screen.
I really had a great time there.


Fjordskolen- is a school for disable pupils. The school is divided for parts, every part has a pupils with different 'level' of disability.
Most of our time there we spend in Part B, which means than there are pupils, who can't move, can't speak. We saw a equipment for them, is very modern and every pupil has his own equipment. Most of them in Part B, has a birth damages or cerebral paralysis, so they really need a rehabilitation. One day we had a chance to see one lesson with pupils with Down Syndrome. There are 4 pupils and 2 specialized teachers and 1 therapist. They teach them by music and movement. They use special method, which call "Move".
We also had a chance to talk with physiotherapist ( one of them is from Poland ). We got a lot of information about physiotherapist's work.
I've never been in this kind of place, so for me it was a first time to work with children, and see their reaction.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Citizenship and globalisation

In this classes we were talking in groups about climate and the problems with climate changes. We agreed that the 'big story' about climate is not just about Europe but is about China ( a lot of problems are coming from China and Chinese industry, most of them, but not all) next subject was 9/11( terrorism etc.).

In another lessons we were talking about democracy ( that we have to fight for democracy), most of the time it was about ' democratic way of thinking', and what it's mean.

Special Needs

Something about Special Needs classes.

In this classes we were talking about children with special needs.
We presented our point of view about special nedds in our countries. Me, Anna and Joanna prepared about physiotherapy in Poland and about difficulties for disable people. We also had a chance to hear about school education for handicap pupils in Belgium, Spain, Norway, Turkey and Hungary.
For me it was very good expierence to get knowledge about this ind of people, because it is my part of job as a physiotherapist.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

International Week

15th-19th of March!!!

One of the best weeks during my 'Erasmus trip' was International Week.
We've got visitors from Portugal,Spain, Belgium, Germany, Austria,Turkey.
On Monday we've got introduction to the week and in groups we were drawing 'stereotypes' about every country...(good to know, what the people from another country think about your own country)
On Tuesday we were doing a lunch box, the typical danish style sandwiches.
wensday was for presentation about our University. Thursday trip to Ribe. I would like to say thath this town is amazing, is small, but the Vikin's Museum and whol town is very interesting, and I really enjoyed the time there.! After that we were a Eurovision contest!!! hmm... the day was very busy, but everyone had energy for this contest! I want to say that Me and Joanna (POLAND) had 3 place with Hungary!
Friday was the day for release party, and farewell lunch.
And during this day Every group show a 'pocket movie' which we prepared during this week:)
My group ( Me, Cedric and Romain) prepared a movie about " Why Danes don't use Euro"
This is link for the movie

Art lesson:)

I would like to say something about art lesson.
I haven't been on this kind of lessons since I was 15, so it was very funny to do this again after a few years.
From the beggining I want to say that the teacher was very friendly for us, she tried to use our imagination and I think she done this very good!
We had to draw our face from the mirror, after that we had to close eyes and draw again as a 'blind people'. If you want to do this properly you have to use representation of your face...it is quite difficult.
My idea how to use this kind of activities in my job is that I can work with children with behavioral and learning disorders.