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Hi Everyone! My name is Marta and I come from Poland. I'm 23.I study phisiotheraphy in Poznan. One day I would like to work in a hospital with people after stroke and with spinal cord injury.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

International Week

15th-19th of March!!!

One of the best weeks during my 'Erasmus trip' was International Week.
We've got visitors from Portugal,Spain, Belgium, Germany, Austria,Turkey.
On Monday we've got introduction to the week and in groups we were drawing 'stereotypes' about every country...(good to know, what the people from another country think about your own country)
On Tuesday we were doing a lunch box, the typical danish style sandwiches.
wensday was for presentation about our University. Thursday trip to Ribe. I would like to say thath this town is amazing, is small, but the Vikin's Museum and whol town is very interesting, and I really enjoyed the time there.! After that we were a Eurovision contest!!! hmm... the day was very busy, but everyone had energy for this contest! I want to say that Me and Joanna (POLAND) had 3 place with Hungary!
Friday was the day for release party, and farewell lunch.
And during this day Every group show a 'pocket movie' which we prepared during this week:)
My group ( Me, Cedric and Romain) prepared a movie about " Why Danes don't use Euro"
This is link for the movie

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